Can Minnesota Teachers Retire Early?
No matter what age you are, as a teacher, you are always planning. You plan for your daily lessons. You plan to prepare your room. You plan seating charts. Bu… are you planning for yourself, too?
Campfire Cuisine: Fun Recipes for Minnesota Summers
If you are sick of the same old dishes, maybe it is time to get creative around the campfire. There are plenty of great dishes, for morning, noon, and night. No matter how old your kids are, you’re bound to create some happy campers with these tasty treats.
How Gretchen Rehm Financial Helps Companies & Municipalities
When you think about financial planning, you often picture it as something that is done privately. But did you know that we also assist companies and even municipalities, too?
If you want to help support your employees, you may want to consider adding financial planning with our team to your benefit offerings!
How Gretchen Rehm Financial Helps Schools and Educators
Gretchen has chosen to dedicate her career to helping any individual, family, or even organization to plan for a solid financial future. However, her true passion lies in helping educators. From teachers and principals to school aides and supporting staff, Gretchen works tirelessly to be sure these hard-working individuals are planning for their futures!
Leaving Your Job? Here's How That Affects Your Retirement
There are a lot of moving parts to leaving a job. Depending on the type of savings or retirement plan you were offered through your employer, there can be some critical (albeit confusing) steps that you need to understand and take.
3 Ways to Celebrate Mother's Day in Southern Minnesota
There are countless ways to enjoy southern Minnesota with a mom in your life. Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing.
How Inflation is Affecting Home Insurance Rates
Let’s face it. We’re all paying more at the gas pump, the grocery store, and wherever we go out to eat. Inflation has just become a reality. But have you realized what inflation is doing to your home insurance rates?
What You Need to Know About Recent Market Volatility
As your financial professional, it is my goal to keep you updated on developments concerning the recent volatility in the financial markets.
How to Handle Your Inheritance Wisely
If you’ve recently come into money left by a loved one, you are likely juggling a lot in your life. First and foremost, you’ve just lost someone you care about deeply. That alone is a lot to process.
Keep Your Identity to Yourself!
With great power comes great responsibility. Likewise, with more technology comes more risk, especially when it comes to identity theft.
How to Take Your Family on Vacation... On a Budget!
With warmer days fast approaching, I know many of my friends and followers are anxious to get out on a family vacation. But is it possible to travel in a budget-friendly manner, despite rising costs?
Let’s Talk About What it Takes To Retire
With smart judgment, a trusted financial professional, and some goals for your life “after work,” you can get a realistic picture of what lies ahead. Let’s talk about what it takes to retire!
Lessons We Learned from the Last Recession
Are your finances ready for a recession?
Those are scary words to hear in nearly any context. If you are investing for your future, it is an even more terrifying concept. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be as worrisome as you might think.
Three Realistic Financial Goals to Set for 2022
One wise way to step into 2022 is to focus on your financial future. Are you where you need to be? Are you investing wisely? Or at all?
4 Money-Saving Tips for the Holiday Season
Money can be tight this time of the year. While you are busy decking the halls and celebrating with friends and family, the purse strings can really take a beating.
Nine Steps You Can Take To Protect Your Financial Future Right Now
When it comes to your financial future, it is easy to become overwhelmed and not be sure of where to start. Planning for the future is a scary prospect for many... but it doesn’t have to be!
Taking these nine steps will set you on the right track to protecting your financial future.
Five Reasons We're Grateful to Live in Southern Minnesota
In this season of thankfulness, it is important to understand the reasons living in Southern Minnesota is something to really be grateful for, all year round. Take a look at these five reasons why we appreciate where we live.
How To Talk To Your Parents About Their Estate Plans
Are you a member of the “sandwich generation”?
This special subset of adults is taking on the role of caregiver on two different ends of the age spectrum and it can also come with the need to have some hard conversations.
6 Financial Planning Mistakes You Should STOP Making
If you’re already planning for your financial future, you know that it is more of a marathon than a sprint. Making and sticking to a financial plan is a journey of decisions both big and small, and it takes TIME to reach financial freedom.
How to Plan for Your Kids’ College While They’re Still In Diapers
While you can’t plan for every single expense, such as that trip to the emergency room, there are a lot of expenses that you can prepare for. The biggest expense you should start planning for immediately? Education.