5 Ways to Spend Quality Time with Your Family Over Winter Break

As parents, we often become caught up in the seasons. The holiday break is exciting, and there is so much to plan and do. From trimming the tree or lighting the menorah, to making all the yearly crafts and meals - traditions abound this time of year.

But somewhere in the hustle and bustle of wrapping gifts, baking cookies, and stuffing the stockings, even Santa deserves a winter break. After the glitter of the holidays dies down, there are plenty of ways to structure some quality time over what remains of winter break.

With many schools and even some businesses off from Christmas to New Year’s Day, there is a wonderful week of downtime to enjoy yourselves. The holidays offer an excellent chance to spend time with those we love, but sometimes that festive chaos overshadows what really matters: Our family!

Be proactive! Plan now for some great downtime, quality time, and relaxing moments to truly absorb all the chances you can to spend with those you love.

1. Board Game Night

Sure, kids these days are all about gaming. But, more often than not, those games take place on the big screen. Unplug for a night and bring the family together around the dinner table with some “old school” board games.

From games of cards to the traditional favorites like Monopoly, Chutes and Ladders, Candy Land, Risk, Life, and Sorry, there are plenty of choices no matter what age the children are this year. Here is a great list of family-friendly games that won’t bore adults, and these games are also good for teens.

2. Make-You-Own Buffet Night

Bring the family together in the kitchen! Consider a taco bar, salad bar, or even a sandwich spread. All the members of the family can get in on the preparations - slicing the rolls, browning the meats, setting out the paper plates and utensils - there are age-appropriate jobs for all levels.

Once the individual dishes and sides are prepared, spread out the goods and let each member of the family build their own dinner! From set-up to clean-up, there can be a lot of bonding happening over the buffet night. Here is an excellent list of meals that will get everyone involved.

3. Handmade Crafts

Looking to keep little hands busy? From these adorable wreaths and ornaments, to premade kits sold in bulk, a parent only needs to spend a few moments on Pinterest to see the thousands of ideas.

Bring the kids along to the craft store for materials, set up all the necessary gear, and create away. Not only do the kids unplug, but mom and dad can get in on the action, too! Set the phones down for the night, and get your creative juices flowing.

4. Take Photos & Make Videos Together

Sometimes, it’s best to meet the kids on their level. Take a night to have some photo fun with the kids. Make your own photo booth (with funny props and costumes), try out goofy photo apps, or even create a contest to see who can make the funniest faces.

If you have teenagers, chances are they will want to spend some time this break making the latest TikTok video. Learn a new dance with them, play along with a trend or game, or support their crazy ideas. Use this list to spark ideas!

5. Take a Walk Together

It sounds simple, but taking a walk as a family can be a lot of fun and create a bonding experience filled with quality time. Think of some talking points if you kids are older. Try asking open-ended questions, like “where would you go if you could travel anywhere in the world and why?” or “if you could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who and why?” to get even teens talking more.

If you have younger tots, try playing i-Spy as you walk, or telling a story, allowing each family member to add a section as you walk and talk.

If you are in a cold climate like our home in Minnesota, you can even end the fun walk with a hot cocoa session for all that participated. This is even a great chance to not only sneak in some exercise in an unplugged environment, but you can even bring along the dogs! 


The holidays are a busy time, and for many, a very stressful and emotional one. Try to take some time for yourself, your family, and those you love. No traditional family recipe, office holiday party, or shop-til-you-drop outing can take the place of what really matters!

Gretchen Rehm, LUTCF® - Agency Owner and Investment Advisor Representative

At Gretchen Rehm Financial, I work with clients to align their investments, retirement accounts, and pension plans into an integrated plan for their financial future. I have a B.S. in Public Relationships.

I love my career because I get to help families protect and plan for their futures. Owning the business also allows me the flexibility of being a mom to my three children!

I live in Henderson, MN with my husband, Reegan, and my three children: Ryker, Reese, Rogen, and our fur baby, Archie the French Bulldog. Reegan and I have been married since 2005. We spend most of our time attending hockey, baseball, volleyball, soccer, and flag football games for the three kiddos.

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